I’ve created this page to give you some ideas of the different opportunities that are available out there online. These could, with some work on your part, help you bring in some extra income. Hopefully some of these you won’t have heard of before and will help get you thinking in a different direction about other ways to earn more income.
- Fiverr – You can earn money doing small jobs for people for $5 a piece and there’s plenty of scope to bolt on extras, so each job has the potential to bring in much more then just the initial $5 list price. You can do anything from designing a website header to writing an article and lots of other random jobs in-between. This is a great way to start online and some people have turned this into a full time income believe it or not.
- Upwork – This is a great place to sell your skills and work as a freelancer. Anything that can be done on a computer can be done on Upwork. If you’re a writer, software developer or good at languages, Upwork is a great place to earn some good money. Work on your own terms and get paid for doing the jobs you choose to complete.
- Bitcoin – I’ve created a separate article devoted to buying bitcoin.
- WriteAppReviews.com – Get paid to review Apps on your phone. You will be required to download apps to your smartphone or tablet and test out all features of the app. You will then need to write a short review of your experience and list any faults that you found. As long as you have a phone, you’re good to go!
- PayingSocialMediaJobs.com – Get paid to use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Online Social Media jobs that pay $25-$50 per hour. No experience required. Work at home.
- Live Chat Jobs – Find your perfect online job.
- ClickEarners – Discover how to become an ‘Online Assistant’ and get paid to do freelance work, tasks and projects from home on behalf of companies.